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Local Golf for Fun

Mon, May 23


Sligo Creek Golf Course

It’s time to dust off your sticks and hit the links for a fun time with your neighbors at close-by Sligo Creek Golf Course. Registration required by May 18. Men and women from duffers to experts – all are welcome!

Local Golf for Fun
Local Golf for Fun

Time & Location

May 23, 2022, 1:30 PM

Sligo Creek Golf Course, 9701 Sligo Creek Pkwy, Silver Spring, MD 20901, USA


Once upon a time, NCC Connections had a golf group, which shut down since COVID but is reorganizing this spring. Please consider joining our first post-COVID round of nine holes. Register by Wednesday, May 18, if you’d like to play and we will reserve tee times. Greens fees are about $22 ($3 less for seniors). Riding carts, if available, and optional beer afterwards, are extra. If successful, perhaps we can plan an outing once a month depending on interest.  Feel free to let other neighbors know and contact me. Questions? Email David Patterson,

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North Chevy Chase CONNECTIONS, Inc. is a Maryland not-for-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Code, established to foster and offer support for neighbors in need of neighborly assistance. The organization does not take sides on controversial or political issues in our community, but may share factual information on such issues at the discretion of the Board. 

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Kensington, MD  20895

© 2021 by North Chevy Chase CONNECTIONS, Inc.

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