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Local Golf for Fun
Mon, May 23
|Sligo Creek Golf Course
It’s time to dust off your sticks and hit the links for a fun time with your neighbors at close-by Sligo Creek Golf Course. Registration required by May 18. Men and women from duffers to experts – all are welcome!

Time & Location
May 23, 2022, 1:30 PM
Sligo Creek Golf Course, 9701 Sligo Creek Pkwy, Silver Spring, MD 20901, USA
Once upon a time, NCC Connections had a golf group, which shut down since COVID but is reorganizing this spring. Please consider joining our first post-COVID round of nine holes. Register by Wednesday, May 18, if you’d like to play and we will reserve tee times. Greens fees are about $22 ($3 less for seniors). Riding carts, if available, and optional beer afterwards, are extra. If successful, perhaps we can plan an outing once a month depending on interest. Feel free to let other neighbors know and contact me. Questions? Email David Patterson,