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NCCC Neighborhood Watch
NCCC Neighborhood Watch Program
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Interested in Helping a Neighborhood Watch Program Start Here?
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NCCC Neighborhood Watch Program
Interested in Helping?
A new Neighborhood Watch Program is now forming locally under the guidelines of the Montgomery County Police Department. The goal is to keep our community as safe as possible from crimes including auto break-ins, home burglaries and catalytic converter thefts that have concerned area residents recently.
The program will be under the umbrella of North Chevy Chase CONNECTIONS, Inc., the neighbors-helping-neighbors nonprofit open to anyone living in the Village of North Chevy Chase as well as other households in the larger area served by NCC CONNECTIONS (click here for more information about the geographic area of NCC CONNECTIONS).
The county police department will provide training, education, guidance and support. But first at least ten residents are needed to sign up as soon as possible to be the core active participants and leaders. Our aim is to be ready to launch in mid-September.
Participants will report suspicious activity to the police, schedule a home security survey, attend a one-day training at the Bethesda police station, and meet as needed with our local Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, a long-time resident of our community who has already volunteered. There is no patrolling by residents and you do not have to be a member of NCC CONNECTIONS to volunteer.
Please RSVP to participate.